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Hi, I’m Cat.

Writer ✨ Speaker ? Spirit Seeker ?

‘Spirit-Seeker’ (Noun.) One who follows the path of self-discovery and seeks the truth.

Hi, I’m Cat.

Writer ✨ Speaker ? Spirit Seeker ?

‘Spirit-Seeker’ (Noun.) One who follows the path of self-discovery and seeks the truth.

Ironically, in business, we’re supposed to stand out, but throughout most of our lives, we’ve been conditioned to fit in. It may surprise you that I struggled with this internal argument for decades.

Even as a kid, I had an innate desire to stand out, be different, and be noticed. I loved wearing mismatching socks, and “inventive” hairstyles. However, in primary school, this doesn’t win you any friends, and I was bullied all throughout my childhood by the very people I wanted to “fit in” with.

My youth psychologist taught me to laugh it off and pretend it didn’t affect me, so I learned to hide my differences and go along with the crowd. This first taste of “positive psychology” gave me the skills to appear bubbly and outgoing, to make excellent first impressions, and to keep other people happy so I could fit in.

Throughout my 20s, even though I had a successful 7 figure business and appeared confident and happy with my life and marriage, inside I always felt something was missing.

I was restless, bored and tired.

At 30, I realised I had succumbed to my worst fear – a life of average mediocrity. I had settled for less than who I was destined to be. I knew there was more to life, and it took divorce, selling my business, and moving back in with my parents on other side of the world to find it for myself.

It’s here that I started the journey to know myself.

Most people might find this situation a huge struggle, but I found it empowering and freeing. As I allowed myself to rebuild from the ground up, I discovered the power of mindset and action, and how I could shape my own reality using these strategies and tools.

I knew I was born to be an entrepreneur, and I could only be a cog in someone else’s wheel for so long.

After I became qualified as a life coach, I did the only sensible thing a born entrepreneur would do…

I quit my well-paying corporate job without any clients and while paying my business coach $1500 a month!!

My inner child loves to dive in headfirst with a “she’ll be right” attitude ?

However, I then discovered my next challenge awaited… I had to “fit in” with the business world, and that meant pretending I had it all figured out.

While I had some amazing successes – like making more money in my first week than I had in my full time job – I felt like I was restricted from sharing the not-so-great stuff.

I believed I couldn’t talk about the struggles… like when a client cancelled their contract, when I had to borrow money from mum (again), the fact that I made 0 sales during my first course launch…

And after 2 years of this rollercoaster, when I went back to full time work, I felt I had to hide that part of me.

My job shouldn’t know about my business, and my public profile should never let it slip that I’m not making an amazing living from my business yet.

But this adventure of overcoming my limiting beliefs, solving the “money problem” and finally taking responsibility for myself, has reminded me of this:

It’s our experiences that define us. All of them. What happens in our LIFE is what makes us successful in our business.

We CANNOT have a successful business without embracing our entire journey and being true to ourselves, even if we’re not fully “fitting in.”

I now know that my mission is to inspire others along this same journey.

I want to help you change the world (even if “the world” is your family circle), and I want to make it easy for you.

What do I believe now and always?

I believe life’s an adventure and you only get one shot.

When you are unreservedly living your own glorious life, you inspire others around you to shine as well, and the world becomes a brighter place.

YOUR life has a unique purpose, and I’m here to help you get out of your own way so you can realise your dreams.

If you’re waiting for permission to stand out, this is it!

I’m currently on my next leg of this adventure called life, so the Cat Holmes business is in hibernation. I wish you all the very best on your journey, and perhaps our paths will cross in a future meeting of kindred spirits.