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The last time I wore make-up was for Phil’s bday. I wanted to dress up for him and look good for photos, so I put on a touch of mascara and tan-coloured blush.


But while I was squinting into the mirror with mascara wand in hand, I was overcome with this fear… don’t tell me I look really pretty tonight. Don’t suddenly notice that I look different and comment on it.


Such mixed emotions!


Even though I was dressing up for him, I didn’t want him to notice. How weird is that? ?‍♀️


Before this, I hadn’t worn make-up for at least 5 months, possibly longer. I honestly can’t remember, because I now wear make-up very rarely, unless I’m doing a professional photo-shoot or going to a networking event.


I don’t even feel the need to get dolled up for a live video on facebook or going out to dinner.


And when I say no make-up, I mean NOTHING. I wash my face, apply moisturiser and walk out the door.


This is for a couple of reasons.


☝️One is because I can’t be bothered.


As a young impressionable teen, mum drummed into me the habit of taking off my make-up every night before bed. It’s better for my skin and I’ll keep looking younger for longer, she said.


So it’s a habit I’ve kept, no matter how drunk I get! Absolutely nothing beats the feeling of waking up with a hangover ? and feeling SO GRATEFUL that I remembered to take my make-up off.


That being said, I can’t always be bothered washing my face before bed, so usually I just don’t wear make-up and I can get around that self-imposed rule.


But also, over the past few years, I’ve begun to feel more beautiful when I’m natural.


✨ I believe real beauty IS our natural state ✨


Clear skin, shining eyes, fresh face and a smile.

Cat Holmes

Of course, every girl has her own definition of beauty, and I’m not discouraging the girls who can’t leave the house without make-up on… I just know it comes from a place of low self-esteem and insecurity.


I get it though.


I used to be someone who couldn’t leave the house without make-up on. I used to wear permanent gel nails with sparkly glitter tips. I experimented endlessly to find the perfect mascara.


I just don’t resonate with that anymore.


I used to see the girls all dolled up, and wish I looked like that. Now when I see them, it’s not that I feel sorry for them, exactly, it’s just that I see past the layers of chemicals and powders and poisons.


I see their beauty hidden away, and I WISH they had more self confidence to be real.


My mission in life is to empower people with confidence to be themselves, and that means being their true, natural selves.


? One of the true keys to happiness is being comfortable with and accepting yourself exactly as you are ?


This is the face you chose (or were given, depending on your beliefs) for your time on this planet, so it must be for a reason.


Why do we insist on covering up our “imperfections?”


We’re not all meant to look alike. We’re meant to look different. You should be proud of the unique design you came to this planet with.




Look at people like Cindy Crawford – she turned her mole into a iconic fashion statement. Kim Kardashian made a big booty sexy again. And have you noticed how many models are now rocking the runway with a gap in their front teeth?


Take whatever it is about yourself that you don’t like and want to cover up, and decide instead to own it. Accept that it’s the body you came in, get comfortable looking at that part in the mirror, and choose to be beautiful.


The truth is… we are beautiful at our core.


I know it’s cliche, but our beauty honestly comes from within. It shines through our eyes and our skin. Beauty is good skincare, and healthy food.


Beauty is passion and happiness and feeling alive ?


? When I come out of the sea, salty hair stuck to my neck, flushed cheeks… THEN tell me I’m beautiful.


? When I’m angry with the world and the fire is in my eyes and I’m having an enthused rant… THEN tell me I’m beautiful.


? When I fall back on the pillow, exhausted and sweaty from our passionate lovemaking… THEN tell me I’m beautiful.


I know that when I feel good, I look good.


YOUR light shines from within ✨


Your beauty is in your passion, your desire, your voice, your love.


It’s not in your make-up bag.



Cat xx


PS. It’s taken me a long time to get comfortable with this. Many years! And it happened slowly. For you it might be less make-up, for others it might be hair not done, or not worrying about tan lines. Just remember – you don’t need to fit into anyone else’s definition of beautiful. You are already beautiful, exactly as you are ?


PPS. And if you don’t believe me, maybe you’ll be inspired by this video about beauty from the lady the internet named “world’s ugliest woman”