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Gratitude is one of the best things we can do for our happiness.


If you’re ever feeling blue, just remind yourself of all the amazing things you’ve got in your life, and it’s an instant mood lifter.


It’s common practice by Oprah to keep a gratitude journal, and pretty much every personal development book/podcast/interview/Ted Talk I’ve come across will mention the power of gratitude.


So as a good student, I attempted to adopt a regular gratitude practice.


  • I tried a few apps but didn’t stick with any.
  • I stuck a few motivational post-its around the house reminding me to have an “attitude of gratitude.”
  • I started my gratitude journal, just like Oprah


And then like most busy people who try to be spiritually-inclined, I settled into a routine of “doing gratitude” whenever I remember – usually by thinking of three things I’m grateful for.


I’ve found in daily moments, there’s always a reason to be thanking the universe, even this morning for the lady who beeped at me because I was obviously driving too slow for her.


Always a reason to be grateful.


But I surprised myself the other day.


For some reason, I decided to write down 100 things I was grateful for.


In my mind, I could easily rattle off a big list, so I figured it would be a simple exercise.


As I sat down to write, I smashed out 25, then 30, then 40…. But then I started to get stuck.


I hadn’t even got to 50 yet, and I was forced to really think about it.


That’s what surprised me. It seemed like so much in my head, but when I really focused on it, I clearly wasn’t as naturally grateful as I expected.


However, the processes of closing my eyes, contemplating on different areas of my life, people, and experiences, had me opening my eyes every few moments to jot down another gratitude item.


It took longer than I expected, but I got to the 100.


And then this morning on my walk, even more were popping into my head, and I even did a little facebook live because I was so inspired.


Try it for yourself.


Write down 100 things you’re grateful for.


Just allow a bit extra time than you originally think!



Cat xx


PS. I would love to see your lists! Comment below with your top gratitudes ?