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A few years ago when I was living in London, I had a profound experience that gave me a hint of my life’s mission.


I went to the London Pride festival, because my marketing agency had some staff working there for a client, and I was doing a “staff check.”


I expected it to be just a regular outing, nothing unusual, as I was always flitting across London, checking that staff in the field were working well.


But when I got to Trafalgar Square, my heart opened.


This was the first time I’d been so close to gay rights activism, and the spirit and the vibe of Pride touched my core.


What I saw that day was such a unique variety of people, all being completely authentic and true to themselves.


I saw people expressing their true selves, not afraid or pretending. They had a voice, they were colourful and they were living their lives the way they desired, and proud of it.


Pride really is the right word for that expressive festival.


Whether its sexual orientation, skin colour, beliefs, or dreams – we’ve all been put on this planet with something unique inside of us.


A unique message or passion to follow, and everyone deserves the right be able to express themselves, and to declare their true self to the world.


That’s the spirit that moved me that day at Pride, and I realised then – my passion and mission in life is to bring out authenticity in others.


It’s one of the reasons I got qualified as a life coach, and why I’m so passionate about helping you be yourself (and discover yourself!) in your business.


This is essential for the industries where YOU are the brand, and where your clients are buying YOU (not what you do).


One of my favourite questions to ask my clients is…


“What made you decide to start this business?”


I love to hear the stories and backgrounds that brought this business into being.


And do you know what? So do your clients!


This is especially true if you’re a coach, consultant, practitioner or other personal service-provider – because you’ve usually gone through (and solved!) the challenges that you now help others with.


People love to know that they are working with someone who gets them, and understand what they are going through, and most importantly, can light the way forward.


So don’t be afraid to share your personal story.


There’s a reason you chose this business, and a reason you are uniquely qualified to serve your chosen audience.


Tell us about it!



Cat xx


PS. You might not realise it yet, but your story could inspire millions, and I would love to tell it. If you’ve been through something challenging, learnt some life lessons, and come out the other side, you could be the next feature on the blog. Email me on and I would love to interview you.